Front Door Repair Services for Charlotte, NC, Homeowners
At Modern Restoration & Remodeling, we’re experts at replacing Charlotte residents’ old, damaged front doors with beautiful new ones. But we’ll also be completely honest with you: just because your door has seen better days doesn’t mean you need a new one. Sometimes, all you need is a company that specializes in front door repair.
Whether the door itself or the frame around it is in trouble, Modern Restoration & Remodeling knows exactly what to do. Opting to repair your front door when that’s possible will restore your home’s outer beauty and can save you a bunch of money compared to the cost of buying and installing a new replacement door.
Got Rot? We’ve Got Your Back
Does your door or frame not feel as sturdy as it should? Are you looking at peeling paint or warped wood? Do you feel drafts inside? There’s a good chance you’ve got rot. Luckily, Modern Restoration & Remodeling is one of the only companies in the area that can repair your front door.
Glass Panes Causing You Pain? We Fix Those
Glass-paneled doors can be gorgeous, but many homeowners have concerns about what happens if those panels break. All you need to do is call us – we’ll come out and replace your small-to-medium-sized panel.
About Our Company
At Modern Restoration & Remodeling, we have more than 30 years of combined experience and a solution for nearly every interior and exterior home remodeling problem because we’ve seen it all before. We pride ourselves on our craftsmanship and offer a three-year warranty on our labor.
Set Up Your Consultation
Don’t assume the worst about your Charlotte, NC, home’s door when there’s still hope for the best. Contact the front door repair experts at Modern Restoration & Remodeling today to set up your free, in-home consultation.